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email rowjimmy
September 26, 2K03
Sometimes, cheating doesn't pay.
September 24, 2K03
Ahhh... Poetry.
Read some, or write your own.
Perhaps you need a little help getting started. Or, perhaps, you'd like the computer to write the whole thing. How about some Alien poetry?
Today's entry dedicated to pnut
September 23, 2K03
Okay, so I, like you, read other blogs and think "That's really neat. Why didn't I link to that first?" Well, the truth is, it doesn't matter. Isn't the idea to link to something thats nifty? Well, Dammit, thats what I'm gonna do.

I like M.C. Escher. As a kid, I really liked Legos ®. Naturally, someone has merged these two things beautifully.

Of course credit should go to WTF for pointing me to that site. I've been reading them for a little while and added them to my site today.
September 22, 2K03
Today's link is for people who believe that Democracy is alive and well in the USA.
September 12, 2K03
Johnny Cash left us last night. I'm not qualified to say all that can and should be said about him and his work. But it's a sad day.

Also, rather suddenly John Ritter died last night as well. Far from being recently ill, his passing comes as more of a shock.

Naturally, our thoughts are with their families as their spirits mingles with us all.
September 10, 2K03
It's been nearly two years and people are finally coming around to the fact that following a moron like President GW Bush into war might have been a mistake. Sure, there were plenty of us who were never fooled but amazingly there are some who still are. Those people need to read this. You probably should too.
August 8, 2K03
I think that I wish Al Gore were running for President.
July 15, 2K03
Soooo, you think everything is going smoothly? Where have you been?
A friend of mine asked me today, "Why does the theory of 'trickle-down' economics always make me feel like I'm being tinkled on?"
I replied, "It's just a polite way of saying that you're being shat upon."

Finally, the truth comes out...
June 18, 2K03
The line between a Live Bands and DJs has been blurred beyond recognition.
Fine by me.
June 11, 2K03
Although I'm not entirely opposed to impeachment, think about who would be taking over...
June 10, 2K03
This is a clear violation of the First Amendment. Nothing is more Un-American than the suppression of Free Speech.

I'm livid. I'm ashamed to be an American. Certain people are intent on ruining this once great nation and it upsets me greatly.
June 3, 2K03
Two Dead guys, A Bass Player and Ringo vs. Steve Jobs: Coming Soon
May 21, 2K03
Not much for you today but you should know about this. You might also want set aside some time to read this (it's a pdf. Click here for the viewer.)

In the interest of fairness, I should also show you this unfortunate tidbit.
May 14, 2K03
What is a wiki?

To me, it looks like the purest expression of what hypertext was meant to be. The Wikipedia is a stellar implementation of the concept.

Some groups are using wiki databases to share information or even develop software. How about a wiki that describes a wiki!
May 13, 2K03
So I haven't come up with anything new to say. I can tell you that some of the old stuff has been moved to another page. What's especially weird is that you can even view very old versions of this site.

The Wayback Machine at is nifty tho i haven't come up with a practical use for it. The archive also has film, software, and even an etree section! Now, this is what I call useful!
May 7, 2K03
The news has the power to inspire, shock, or worry.

I always like to read about someone who stands up for his rights.
May 6, 2K03
Understandably, folks are concerned about Biological Weapons being weilded by nations and terrorist organizations. This threat has been around for quite some time and much has been done to prepare for and eliminate it. In fact some even allowed themselves to be infected to aid in defending againts biological threats. A number of Vietnam era draftees opted to take part in Operation Whitecoat rather than serve combat duty- largely for religous reasons.

Today, there are things that you can do and, things that you should know. But it is important not to overreact.
May 5, 2K03
Cinco De Mayo - is a Mexican National Holiday, not a US National Holiday but, it is often used as an excuse to drink and be festive.

If dragged into a Cinco De Mayo party, I'm more likely to sample some Mexican Beers than to get to heavy with some Tequila. Perhaps they should make May 6 a holiday for all those coping with a tequila hangover.
May 2, 2K03
The Polyphonic Spree is one of my new favorite bands. If pressed, I'd describe them as "a mini-orchestra crossed with a mini-choir, candy flipping with electric guitars on a sunny day". Though they might not agree.

Another possible description would be George Martin producing The Flaming Lips with vocal arrangements by Brian Wilson and a healthy dose of LSD. Does that sound too weird?

At least they're not named 'Godspeed You Black Emperor!'. (Imagine the best part of Pink Floyd's 'Echoes', stretched out for an entire concert; performed by a nine piece band that includes strings. Lots of crescendos, no vocals, fuzzy -not heavy. . .)
-rowjimmy (w/ thanks to spoogles for the gybe!)
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